About Maihealthtoday

My Story
Hello, my name is Mai Vue, founder of "Maihealthtoday". I am a Nutrition major and my ethnic background is Hmong-American. I come from a big family of nine children and am the third oldest in the family. My parents migrated from Thailand to the United States in the mid-1980s. I was born in the urban area of Yuba City, CA and grew up in a small town called Marysville, just an hour north of the Greater Sacramento area. Married to my High School sweetheart Pheng and have two beautiful and amazing children, Kennith and Carissa. In my leisure time, I love to spend time with my family and be entertained with karaoke, and go shopping. At times, I enjoy strolling for nice long walks and feeling relaxed. I love sightseeing and night city lights, they are the most beautiful views. One of my aspirations is to travel and eat all the many delicious cultural foods in the world.
My journey began when one day I realized that I had gained 20 pounds in just one year. I couldn't figure it out. My diet has always been the same. My digestion system was acting weird and I didn't feel right. It felt like foods I ate for lunch was still sitting in my stomach until dinnertime and was just slowly digesting. I was bloated and uncomfortable. And I was determined to find out. After months of additional research, I came across a video from Dr. Amy Lee, a Nutrition Specialist Physician, and learned about how to prevent myself from eating all the bad and harmful foods we eat every day. Guess what was in it? High Fructose Corn Syrup. And I needed to READ nutrition facts on food packaging! Yikes!
I started buying more organic and whole foods, portioning my meals, and reading nutrition facts. I soon found out that one of the factors that casue Americans to gain so much weight and be unhealthy is "sugar". According to the American Heart Association (AHA) the sugar intake per day for men is 36 grams (9 teaspoons) and for women is 25 grams (6 teaspoons). The average American consumes about 71 grams of sugar a day, which is equivalent to 17 teaspoons. Did you know that a can of 12 oz soda consists of about 40 grams of sugar? That's Shocking!
So follow "Maihealthtoday" and read my blogs to see helpful and healthy tips for having a healthier lifestyle. Don't miss out on the many delicious recipes I have inside for you all. We'll explore facts like, what are macronutrients and micronutrients? How to portion control. What are good fats and bad fats? What are the complex good carbs and simple bad carbs?
"It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you don't stop"
Nutrition Tips
Lifestyle Changes
Healthy cooking / meal planning
Weight Loss
Elimination diets